We are a turnkey engineer, procure, construct (EPC) provider that designs and installs solar electrical generation systems across the country. Telyon manages engineering and procurement in-house. Working with Tier 1 manufacturers and highly knowledgeable and skilled labor allows Telyon to provide an industry leading product and craftsmanship.

Experienced team that has built hundreds of MW’s
Control design quality and delivery with an in-house team of qualified engineers and support staff dedicated to all aspects of planning, design, and construction activities.
Control design competency and quality with in-house management of engineering.
Align third-party engineering firms with familiar clients/off-takers.
When advantageous, select firms with either strong utility company relationships and/or geographic proximity (especially important with civil engineering firms on ground mount installations).
Gain the maximum possible purchasing advantages by maintaining in-house procurement for all equipment.
Strategic opportunities to maintain a nimble posture in the marketplace.
Enjoy the maximum possible volume discount pricing.
Eliminate unnecessary mark-up from EPC Providers.
Manage supply chain challenges by directly linking procurement and logistics to ensure a seamless on-site delivery system.
Best tailor solutions to customer needs through maintaining technologically agnostic procurement strategy (no economic linkage to material/equipment procurement).
Build hybrid model that combines in-house Construction Management (CM) and Construction Oversight (CO) to maintain a nimble execution platform.
In house expertise:
Team members directly perform CM in-house, providing maximum flexibility & control.
In-house CM eliminates mark-up and reduces overall cost.
Create strategic alliances with external EPC/CM firms:
Expand execution bandwidth more rapidly as pipeline growth accelerates.
Create acquisition opportunities by establishing relationships with 3rd party EPC firms.
C&I projects feature short permitting and interconnection timelines offering materially lower development risk versus larger scale renewable projects.
Total time frame from Proposal Acceptance through COD is 9 months to 2 years+
Proposal Acceptance / PPA Negotiation
Engineering / Procurement
Utility Interconnection / Building Permit
Notice to Proceed (NTP)
Commissioning COD
Commercial Operation Date (COD)